The group of ICHN-Bages on top of Cogulló del Turp (1.620 m. Solsonès & Alt Urgell), in 07.11.2015. Cogulló del Turp is an excellent belvedere over most of Catalonia. The view spreads through the medium valley of river Segre wiht the dams of Rialb and Oliana, the valley of Alinyà, the mountain of Sant Honorat and the range of Aubenç, the Pyrenes on the north with the mountains of Andorra, the range of Cadí, Port del Comte and the mountains of Alinyà and Cambrils, the complete central Catalonia until Montseny, Sant Llorenç del Munt and Montserrat, the inland of Tarragona with the mountains of Prades, and the north slope of Montsec, to name just the best known milestones on the landscape.
[foto Jordi Badia]
Further information in Notícies de la ICHN nr.123.