Presentation and browsing

The south of the district of Bages seen from La Balconada de Sant Pau, in Manresa


El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès, (= the environment of Bages and Moianès), has a wide goal: the knowledge and the presentation of the nature as a whole of Bages and Moianès, two biologically and geologically diverse districts in the center of Catalonia.

This website started in 1999. At this time, the scope was the district of Bages according to the boundaries in force, thus including the municipalities of Calders, Monistrol de Calders, Moià, Santa Maria d’Oló and L’Estany that in 2015 were segregated from Bages to join the new district of Moianès, and Sant Feliu Sassera that moved to the newer district of Lluçanès in 2023. Therefore, El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès is still biased towards the district of Bages plus the named municipalities nowadays in the district of Moianès.

The plain of Bages seen from the Collbaix mountain (Manresa)


El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès is arranged in a menu of 21 chapters or categories that are devoted to the nature of the district plus one additional chapter about the activities of the association, the delegation of Bages of ICHN. The chapters on nature are grouped in ecosystems – pine forests, evergreen oak woods, oak woods …-, in geology with chapters dedicated to geomorphology, rocks and minerals, fossils and geological history, and in environmental factors with the chapters on climate, plant succession, forest fires and impacts.
Each chapter consists of a first introductory page, plus a long collection of posts dedicated to one of the species living in that ecosystem or to particular aspects, details and examples. The texts of the posts usually contain internal links to go further.
At the same time, the species are indexed by systematic criteria.
Entries can alternatively be searched by menu chapters, by the species index on top in the menu or by keywords. The result is always a gallery with one of the photos and the title of each entry. The obtained species from first search can be refined further on by taxonomic criteria and ordered by popular name or by scientific name. One click on the image, the title or the name of the species from the search drives to the post. One next click on one image of the post opens it to its maximum size.
By default, or by clicking on the anagram or title on top, a gallery with the most recent entries appears.
El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès is fully bilingual, Catalan and Spanish, and, so far, the chapters of evergreen oak woods, climate, ICHN Bages and all the geology chapters also in English. A menu in the upper right corner allows the switch of any post to another language. The search is limited to the chosen language.
Please, try the search until feeling comfortable.

The two mountain ranges of conglomerate that are located in the south of the district of Bages, the Serra de l’Obac -on the right corner the summit L’Espluga de l’Obac– and Montserrat -in the background- are both protected as a Natural Park areas.

The texts usually contain internal links to go further. Some species link to images from the website Espai de les sortides naturalistes de la ICHN-Bages.
Most of the vascular plants posts in El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès offers one link to the sheet of the same species in the Herbarium of Bages that was arranged in 1909 and 1910 by the young botanist Pius Font i Quer.
Both websites that are intertwined with El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès are also made by ICHN delegation of Bages.
These and eventually other links are listed at the bottom of every post.

Apart from this structure, there is one library of articles by ICHN Bages authors and a list of external links.

The internal structure of El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès uses WordPress web editor. The format adapts to the user device.


El Medi Natural del Bages i del Moianès is a collective work of the ICHN’s delegation of Bages. It started in 1999 with the ICHN’s centenary and it is periodically reviewed and updated.

The photos and charts -these are 7996 illustrations in total- as well as the texts are originals of the authors and contributors.

Xavier Adot i Fernàndez
Jordi Badia i Guitart
Efrem Batriu
Jaume Illa
Marta Queralt López i Salvans
Pere Moraleja i Molina
Oriol Oms i Llobet
Montserrat Porta i Arnaiz
Esteve Roig i Campama
Florenci Vallès i Sala

Esteve Badia i Orive

J. Enrique Arnold
Josep Biosca i Munts
Josep Costa
Xavier Idígora
Roger Lapeña
Jordi Morató i Farreras
Marcel·lí Puigdellívol
Lídia Ribas
Amadeu Ricart
Enric Sala
Joaquim Sanz
Ramon Solà i Ferrer
Víctor Manuel Vicente
Marc Vilarmau i Masferrer

ICHN – Delegació del Bages
Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Manresa – UPC
Avda. Bases de Manresa, 61-73 – 08240 Manresa

See legal information. Contact for report of mistakes and opinions and for request of images at