The pass of Migdia (= Midday) and Les Talaies (= The Watchtowers) of Montserrat

The pass of Migdia (= Midday) splits the range of Montserrat massif in two halves, eastern and western, being also the main pass of the entangled geography of Montserrat. The pass of Migdia seats between the summits of Sant Jeroni on the east and Ecos on the west and it is reached by the channels of La Llum by the northern slope and Migdia by the south. Les Talaies (= The Watchtowers) stand out next to the pass of Migdia, on the eastern side. Les Talaies are isolated and visible monoliths of Montserrat.

The pass of Migdia and Les Talaies are seen from the district of Bages. The pass of Migdia is the deepest incision in the center of the mountain range and, to its left, Les Talaies look like a trident, from left to right, with Talaia Petita (= Small Watchtower), Talaia Gran (Big Watchtower) and Roca del coll de la Llum (= Rock of the pass of the Light) (see the north landscape of Montserrat).

The image shows the pass of Migdia and Les Talaies as seen from the southern slope that allows a close view at same height, on autumn when the orange foliage of the maples of the channels splashes on the uniform dark green of the holm oaks.

[photo Jordi Badia]